Saturday, March 10, 2012


Found out about this band on Collapse Board tonight. Everett True posted about the singer's death and his words were moving and his description of the music intriguing enough to make me click through to Bandcamp.

Ten minutes later and I have completed my transaction on Paypal. There really wasn't any other choice. The music is that good. I am listening to it all the way through for the first time right now so I will just put Everett's quote here so you can get an idea of what you are in store for when you click on the sounds below:

I know that my old coffee-drinking partner Jack Endino would love this, and I know that I love this, and I know Steve Albini loves this, and I know Thurston Moore would love this, and I know Mudhoney would love this, and I know Gary Jarman loves this … and Bangs wept. How much more of a fucken recommendation do you need?

Earlier today my mind had wandered into the memory pool of Cobain's suicide. I pictured my friend SD, tears streaming down his face as he opened his apartment door.

The thing is, I wasn't even in the same city as SD when it happened, it was D that had stopped by to borrow some cds for a project. Memories are funny like that. I fished around further to pull out my own reaction. I was alone in Iowa City, drinking a 40oz of malt liquor and wishing I had either friends nearby or something stronger to drink.

Anyway, back to Teeth - if you like Tad, The Melvins, Nirvana or the like - you will definitely want to check this out.

RIP John, I never knew you but I am enjoying your music. I am glad that you stuck to your dreams to get this record out before cancer took you.

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