Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Band with the stupidest name ever that I end up listening to at least once a week...

Mostly due to my thumb error, the first band on my iPod gets a LOT of unintended airplay.

This band has got to have the worst name ever, but dammit if there songs are not super catchy.

I don't mean worst name like Anal C*nt, or Maggot Tw*t, (actual band names) although those are really pretty bad as far as marketability and appeal.

This band is called A.

That isn't a typo. They are just - A.

I often wonder if they would have gotten farther if someone with some media savvy would have foreseen how this name might play out on search engines.

I mean, did they think it operated like the phone book and they just wanted to be listed first under the category of Rock Bands? What happens when the next band directory comes out and some group decides to call themselves A A Advanced Rock Musicians? Now you're screwed right out of some potential customers!

Still, when they come up (as they did tonight) I often listen to a few songs from their high energy and fun 2002 release "Hi-Fi Serious" before I go to whatever it was I was trying to listen to in the first place.

If the phrase "radio friendly" isn't a de facto put down for you, this band is a crank-up-with-the- top-down-on-a-sunny-afternoon kind of trip.

Post Script: So, did you ever have this happen? You go spelunking on Youtube for something and then the video you land on says - this band is playing the Metro in a few weeks.

What serendipity you say! What luck! It never turns out though, this time it was the All-American Rejects that somehow got linked to the page.

The last time that happened to me Youtube informed me that Rage Against The Machine was playing a sports bar in the South Suburbs.

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