Friday, February 14, 2014

Mood Music Revisited

I posted on Valentine's Day a couple of years ago but this year people seem pretty touchy about the subject. 

This cartoon from The Oatmeal pretty much sums up the reaction I have been getting and my feelings on the subject - it is fine if you don't want to participate, but don't harsh the vibe of the lovers, man!

And one of the greatest things about the multifaceted feelings we define as LOVE is the music that it inspires.  I would like to once again celebrate sexy vibe music with these carefully selected tracks:

letthemusicplay featuring Kate Tempest - "Our Town"

Now the music in that track isn't all that revelatory, but this Kate Tempest is something else.  Her lyrics are a rework of a poem she did (below) and I love her delivery. Spend some time on Youtube checking her out, she is a poet of PASSION.

This next one feels like it could just make a baby on its own so be warned. Until The Ribbon Breaks is the moniker of a UK DJ by the name of Pete Lawrie Winfield and it is a reference to the good ol' cassette days when you crushed on a song so hard that you played it until the...well, you know. 

Sam Smith - "Nirvana (Until The Ribbon Breaks Re-Imagination)"

That video has a little something for everyone - silky teddy inching up creamy thighs for the fellas and Ryan Gosling for the ladies.  I imagine all the footage is from that other Nicolas Winding Refn joint that I haven't seen.   I can't imagine that the film is nearly as seductive as this jam. 

Until The Ribbon Breaks is pretty talented, he even made a remix of Lorde's "Royals" that I was impressed by even though I would like to never hear the oversaturated original again.

Then there is this next cut that is so smouldering that a woman who goes by the name Skin Diamond can't stop dancing to it There are fourteen versions of this song on Youtube but this one wins because it has (a blurry) Bridgette Bardot. 

Incidentally, I can't decide if Skin Diamond is the creepiest or the most provocative porn star name I have ever heard.  Thoughts?

Handsome Boy Modeling School featuring Cat Power - "I've Been Thinking"

For a good while Chan Marshall was on my Top Five "Freebie" list and so of course I thought of the other musicians that have made that distinction. 

I can't imagine how I might make the moves on current day Polly Jean Harvey but there is no denying that I have found much of her music stimulating.  Maybe the direct approach would work?

Desert Sessions featuring PJ Harvey - "I Wanna Make It Wit Chu"

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