Monday, April 15, 2013

Sweet & Low

In 1996 I rented Swimming With Sharks from the local video store.  I laughed so hard that tears streamed down my face as l doubled over, clutching my gut. 

It also hit way to close to home.  I completely identified with Frank Whaley's character. "I need to find another job," I told Trocc as the credits rolled. 

So last week I am standing in line at the drugstore and I spy a DVD copy atop the disheveled bargain cut out bin.  "This Is A Special Edition You Schmuck!" the slipcase informed me, while bearing a $3.99 price tag that Buddy Ackerman's ego would NEVER tolerate. 

I am quite looking forward to dipping into the bevy of the special features of this DVD. 

If you haven't seen it and you are fan of Kevin Spacey roles where he gets to let his Napoleonic beast off the chain then check these two clips out and then put Swimming With Sharks in your Netflix queue.

Age is a weird thing when you can look back at the hard times with a sense of accomplishment.  It didn't kill me.  I survived. 

Today I am back at that same workplace.  Thankfully there are no egomaniacal tyrants above me.  

But my current boss lacks imagination and conviction.  This is a problem because our business happens to be changing the world. 

For the moment I am sticking it out, trying to inspire courage and confront skepticism.  I need to give myself a deadline to this effort - I am getting too old to feel like I am simply surviving at my job.  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks RW! I agree with you - at the outside best we are already halfway through life. Bucket lists should be carried around at all times.

    It has been exciting to witness your personal renaissance.
