Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Twenty years ago...

Three days from now will mark the TWENTIETH anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death.  

D pointed that fact out to me a couple of nights ago as we were preparing for bed and it gave us the "Fuck-Where-Has-The-Time-Gone?!" chills.  

I drank two 40 oz bottles of Colt 45 that night and cried a great deal in my apartment, alone.

Two decades later, I am left pondering the loss and trying to calculate the legacy. 

I just stumbled across this video below and it gives me hope that the music is still helping young people cope with life.  It validates Cobain's artistic contributions as authentic and universal.  

That is what endures, that is what is important.  Many of these teens don't even know how he died and one of actually refers to the genre as "Grudge."

This tells us not to get caught up in labels, just seek out truth wherever you can find it.  

You want to feel old?  That little baby in the photo above is now a full grown woman.  The most recent photos I could find of her are three years old now (Frances Bean Cobain will turn turn 22 in August).  Hopefully she turned out alright like the kids in the video above.