Friday, August 30, 2013

Doing The Right Thing

When my friend Paul was managing a band, his email signature was a quote attributed to Hunter S. Thompson: 


I loved seeing that quote every time I got an email from Paul.  I took it to mean that he was determined to retain his humanity. 

But it turns out that Hunter never really said or wrote this

Still, it resonated enough to proliferate right?  

And why should we let something like factual research get in the way of a good gestalt?
But in reality, as I have shadowed the music industry in my career for the past 17 years, I have actually come across some real stand up, honorable people. People with principles. It is good to be reminded of that once in a while.

This week I was given a sterling example of how amidst the rip-offs and the screw-overs, you can still find people to admire for their courage and tenacity to do the right thing. 

  This guy - who would probably prefer to be nameless - he stuck to his plan to help out the non-profit I work for even though it meant a LOT of headaches and bullshit obstacles. 

It would have been more expedient for him to shrug his shoulders and say, "at least I tried."  But he dug his heels in and found a way. 

He didn't do it for the glory or the recognition.  He wanted to help out people that many others have forgotten.  He did it because he wanted to stick to his original deal and because he has integrity. 

I would like to take this moment to thank him. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I have no idea what prompted my buddy Riot Mike to book Dessa for Riot Fest but I am so grateful he did. 

If you have not seen Dessa perform live, then I feel sorry for you.  It is a mesmerizing, diamond bright thing to witness.  

Her lyrics are unique - tough but humble - seething with a hunger, wracked with mortality.  Right at the moment that you think she is just trying to be too clever by half she eviscerates herself.  If that isn't the soul of poet then I don't know what is. 

I once read a blog call Dessa, "a very photogenic person of substance".  That is putting it mildly. Her beauty is so severe that it just levels me.  It is bone deep, you just know that she is going to be turning heads well into her sunset years, like Lena Horne or Julie Andrews.  

It is also completely incidental to her career and talent.  I wouldn't even bring it up except that I don't want cynicism to creep in while you look on this picture and think that I just am smitten by her looks.  I mean, I AM smitten, but that is y'know, like I said, incidental.   

I have also never seen an Official Lyrics video done so artfully.  You might want to strap on the headphones and put this one on full screen.  Oh and grab a sweater cuz you might get the chills. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Maybe Reckless should start selling kale...

File this under "Aw, Hell To The No!"

Not to be outdone by Urban Outfitters, Whole Foods has started selling vinyl.

C'mon people!  There are a LOT of amazing record stores to shop at.  They are sacred spaces, like churches...

I don't know what to really make of this at the moment, just shaking my head at it.  It DOES give me a great excuse to post this video though... 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

2 short zombie films worth your time

I make no attempt to hide my unabashed love for zombies.  They are my favorite monster genre by a WIDE margin.  

But there are so many zombie cash-ins at the moment that some decry it as a tired and played out trend.  And there is certainly evidence to support that argument: Zombie modes in countless video games, the flashy yet soulless Resident Evil movie franchise, Jane Austen novels re-written to include zombies...

But a lot of it has been pretty awesome too and received deserved attention: The Walking Dead, World War Z, Zombie Dust beer...

Here are two short independent films that are really well done.  They have a lot of heart.

CARGO  - 7 min.
Cargo from Daniel Foeldes on Vimeo.

SPOILER - 17 min

Watch 'em both and tell me which one you like better? 

I am reminded of a sketch that I once commissioned for my buddy RW.  It was a zombie dad cradling his baby daughter.  It was a dicey proposition - it could have turned out horribly in the wrong hands - but the artist did a tremendous job.  Both these filmmakers did the same in my opinion.