So it was kind of fitting that last Saturday was Record Store Day; a day where stores are flooded with new releases. Some are crass cash grabs and some are cool collectibles. What falls into which category is probably a matter of taste.
Participating record stores are also flooded with people. While waiting outside Dusty Groove with G$ we were handed a one sheet instructing us on proper RSD decorum. Apparently pushing, shoving and grabbing stuff out of other people's hands was not going to be tolerated.
The nice folks at Dusty Groove also had a cart with coffee and bagels. Since I had lit out of the house at 6 am with nary a morsel to eat in order to get in line and freeze my toes off, I was very grateful.
"You may have just saved my life today," I jested with the record store employee pushing the cart.
"Your wallet won't be saying that in about forty minutes" he deadpanned back.
Now I won't get off on a tangent about the sadomasochistic nature of RSD on the more music obsessive among us, I imagine junkies occasionally get together to trash talk their dealers too.
But suffice it to say, the deck was stacked against us. We were poor humble music lovers desperate to get in from the cold. We had no idea what lay in wait for us but we had a feeling that whatever it was, it was going to be overpriced and we would buy it anyway.
But something happened while this motley crew of strangers hung outside, we got to talking and so once we were finally inside we knew a little bit of what others were looking for. The spirit was hopeful. We started to help each other out in our personal quests.
I snagged a copy of the Big Star release for my friend who was twenty people behind me in line because I spoke aloud, "Anyone see the Big Star record?" and someone handed it to me. G$ spotted that Pink Floyd 7 inch and looked around for the dude that wanted it.
Things were looking good that we would get many of our heart's desires - a stark contrast to RSD of recent years past. As G$ and I were leaving we got a call from SD - despite a cold he was heading into the fray, en route to Dusty Groove.
I told SD the general layout of where to look for his treasure and wished him well. We were on our way to the Numero Group pop up store where my favorite score of the day awaited me...
A set of ten cassette tapes? Yes, that is right and yes I am surprised as you are. More on that tomorrow.