So it sounds weird to admit this but I just spent a over month listening to a single cassette in my car. Over and over, over and over.
What is weirder is that the tape was Substance - Joy Division's singles collection.
I don't have anything specific that I need to get across about that tense body of music at the moment, I am just glad to finally be out from under its spell.
The tape that broke the brown study was a mix that was made for me by G$ back in 1994. I was living in Iowa City at the time, and G titled one side of the mix - "A Reminder"
A reminder of what exactly? Well, since many* of the acts got their start in Chicago, my guess is the motif was to remind me to get my ass back to Chicago at my first opportunity.
*I can't confirm 100% of the acts - G$ didn't go to a catholic grade school like I did so his penmanship and spelling suffers.
1) The Stalker - Urge Overkill
2) Out of the Fun (?) - Titanic Love Affair (or maybe Titanic Hoe Affair?)
3) Reap What You Sew (sp) - Otis Rush
4) Walking the Dog - Luther Johnson
5) Crack - Big Black
6) Vanilla Blue - Naked Raygun
7) Emmeline - Urge Overkill
8) Obscured - Smashing Pumpkins
9) Hello Kitty Kat - Smashing Pumpkins
10) Because - Mere Mortals (?)
11) Kids These Days - Phantom Helmsmen
Today, G$ is preparing to move his life to Indianapolis. Much like Iowa City, it is not that far from Chicago BUT I would like to make him "A Reminder" mix -updated for 2012 - as musical encouragement to visit often.
So what current Chicago acts would you put on such a mix?
I know one band I would be most excited to share is one that G$ has already prematurely dismissed as being too self indulgent. He listened to some 30 second snippets on iTunes and came to that snap decision.
This is not unusual for my friend; he sometimes arbitrates his musical taste like he is a judge on The Gong Show. You better Wow him before they have to pause for station identification - G$ is a busy man and we have a lotta vinyl to get through before midnight!
But Tight Phantomz worked on this double album for SEVEN YEARS and to my ears it sounds like a cross between Urge Overkill and Modest Mouse. Lots of beautiful loser swagger as they cross the street from the liquor store back to the home studio for another all night session. These dudes love the 70s cock rock (and maybe secretively some pockets of 80s hair metal) like I do - unabashedly and with a sense of humor.
Now granted, 36 songs is a lot to make your way through. Still, I tried to digest it as an album and I am glad that I did.
But if you want to know some of my favorite songs I would have to say the following are good representations of the band working their best mojo - give them more than 30 second snippets and their charms will be revealed:
Part One (aka Sides 1 & 2)
Black Seas at the Crib
Seek Thunder
Kiss Your Way Inside
Waiting For
There Goes My Protege
Kid Crimes
You're The Diamond
Part Two (aka Sides 3 & 4)
She Talks to Fire
Silk Prison
Bondo Cred
Nobody Is Inside
Accidental Girl
Someone Believes In Me Somewhere
And HEY! While writing this post I went hunting for the band's website and discovered they are playing TONIGHT at the Empty Bottle.
That is too great of a coincidence - this band is notorious for only playing on average twice a year and they played the Bottle on Black Wednesday less than a month ago.
SO, my loyal readers (all four of you) will be getting a call to see if I can rouse you for a night of merrymaking before G$ leaves us for Indianapolis. I can guarantee it will be more memorable than a night with the Phantom Helmsmen.